Version 2.1 released

* Fixed: Replaced game font with high res font supporting lowercase letters
(by raising the game resolution to 320x180 from the original 160x90).
* Fixed: Proper responses from all NPCs depending on the state of their "quest".
So no more requesting an item that you already delivered.
* Fixed: You must select the appropriate items for all interactions that need one
instead of just having it in your possession.
* Fixed: improved game texts.
* Added: When you hover the mouse over an interaction it's name
appear next to the mouse cursor.
* Added: Proper main menu with animations.

* Fixed: Small fixes to game text and other small bugfixes.

Files 12 MB
Feb 11, 2021
LostGalleon_2.1_linux.tar.gz 14 MB
Feb 11, 2021

Get The Lost Galleon

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